ooTunes was developed, tested and critiqued by nerds who love music.
Thanks to Drew Danburry and Joe Felt/defuddler for letting us use their music in the demo!
For a list of radio streams that work with ooTunes, see here.
ooTunes Media Server uses the following open source libraries/technologies:
- mp3spi
- Javolution
- ascrblr
- Log4j
- Jetty
- not-yet-commons-ssl
- apache commons logging, httpclient
- Apache Tapestry 5
- rome with itunes podcasting module
- jsonsimple
- jdom
- pjl-comp-filter
- sha1 and blowfish encryption
- Launch4j
- libnatpmp, miniupnpc
- OSCache
- jacob (Java COM Bridge) JavaScript stuff...
- Lightbox2 by Lokesh Dhakar
- jQuery by John Resig
- Metadata - jQuery plugin
- SWFObject v1.5
- jQuery Media Plugin
- iui
- dhtmlgoodies drag and drop folder tree
- SoundManager2 and JSamp
- PandoraAPIv2
- ibox 1.2.1
- Tabber
- scriptaculous
And yes, amateurs are responsible for all of our graphic design. Thanks for asking.